Monday, September 30, 2019

Injustice in the Adversarial System Essay

Donald Black discussed in his book The Behavior of Law, when a society begins to grow and become more complex so does its legal system. The United States uses a system that may no longer be fit for handling all the complex problems it is faced with. Society has come to learn through the justice system that truth is very hard to find. The nature of the adversarial process may prevent it from reaching the true goal of every legal system: justice. This writing argues that the system in place now is not the correct one for the stage society is in now. The adversarial process in place does not search for the core values of â€Å"Justice† and â€Å"Truth†; its inadequacies create errors in the legal system. The legal system should abolish its value of â€Å"winning at all cost† and the methods it uses to achieve this outcome. This paper will not only shed light on the flaws in the legal system, but present other structures that may be better suited for the present stage of society. Blueprint A few brief critiques of the adversarial process include that during a trial procedure both sides are given the opportunity to present facts to the jury or judge, this allows attorneys to withhold evidence and benefit the side they represent. This confuses the courts instead of elucidating the truth. Cases such as this should not be able to come to a guilty or not guilty verdict, because guilt cannot be proven with a degree of accuracy (Meadow, 1996). Stratification in law does lead to inequality and perpetuates injustice in society. The procedure that is used in our criminal justice system has the ability to lead to a false confession and create mistrust in the system. Bias in our legal system does lead to injustice. All of these factors do create injustice in our legal system by sending innocent people to prison and/or by letting convicted felons free. There are many theories in how to solve the problems with the adversarial process and the legal system in general, but society must change the way it reasons before anything can truly change. History of Common Law and the Adversarial Process To better understand the adversarial process it must first explain through its history and origins. Common law practice developed the adversarial process; England adopted common law and made its practice known throughout the world. Legislators began codifying the law, this later became common law. It was written so that it could be interpreted by the court system. When the courts make a decision in how that law is to be applied it is preserved, and able to be used as a guideline for other cases of the same nature. This proved to be a problem, decisions made by judges were based on the customs of the time period, which became rigid and did not easily allow for change (Cantor, 1997). The English form of common law prohibited representation in court however, during the eighteenth century some courts where beginning to allow legal representation in English common law. Eventually as time progressed, the role legal representation, lawyers, would grow and be more influential in society. The part the Lawyers played in the court system would eventually be the aspect that separated the adversarial process implemented today in the United States from the processes in England. Law became more and more complex so the use of lawyers or professionals of the law was essential in American law making. New research by Randolph N. Jonakait, New York Law School professor, suggests that the United States adopted an adversarial process that somewhat resembled the English model at the time. Besides the already mention use of lawyers, the U.S differed greatly from England, during the 18th century; America had prosecution with a public defender present in the court room compared to no legal representation for the accused in the English model. Also in New Jersey around the same time period, attorneys usually appeared for the prosecution and the defense which in England was rarely practiced. These findings demonstrate that the United States was a forerunner in the creation of the adversarial process that is present today (Jonakait, 2009). Search for Truth: Lawyers and Their Tactics One of the main concepts of the adversarial system is the oppositional presentation of facts. The belief behind this is it will discover all truths to the matter. This leads to the conclusion of the first flaw: that realistically everyone involved in the case is not in search of the truth. â€Å"Lawyers are more apt to hide the evidence that is not favorable to their side regardless of whether it would prove the innocence or guilt of the person on trial† (Schroeder, 2012). Clients hire lawyers to win; the economic state of the client is directly related to the skill level of the lawyer they can afford. Lawyers who are more expensive will use any tactics necessary to ensure a win. The search for truth is not a key value; it’s keeping your client pleased, being the defendant or the state. Attorneys are known to use questionable tactics so that they have the best possibility of winning their case. These tactics include: creating doubt in the jury of guilt or innocence, or even by hiding evidence from the jurors. The search for truth and the execution of justice cannot be fully performed if lawyers proceed to use unethical tactics. Solutions to the Hiding of Evidence A purposed solution to hiding evidence can be demonstrated with a value demonstrated from the inquisitorial system, everyone in the court room works together in search for the truth and justice. The judges, or investigative magistrate, are trained in their profession, taking specific schooling about law making them a vital resource to the legal system. While court is proceeding the judge is allowed to ask questions to keep a case in order. Using a system that does not glorify winning would help the hindering of evidence and other tactics being eradicated form the court room. Although, one flaw with this system is the judge is granted too much power and control over the proceeding, more justice is still found here searching for truth. Stratification in Law It is proven that â€Å"once arrested, black and minority defendants are fare worse in the criminal justice system than their white counter parts† (Westervely & Humphrey, 115, 2008). This is due to racial stratification in law and a bias based on race in convictions. Instrumentalist would say law is used to dominate groups, and is structured so that it can benefit certain groups by disadvantaging other groups, by allowing this to happen it perpetuates inequality (Bucher, 2012). Many minorities are unable to pay for legal representation; in this situation the courts provide representation for them. This disadvantages minority individuals in low social class because they lack resources to secure a good lawyer, while high social status clients are able to easily obtain skilled lawyers. This perpetuates stratification because upper class individuals can evade the penalties of the legal system, unlike lower class individuals who cannot afford strong legal representation (Vago, 2012). Marxist theorists would confirm that laws serve the interest of the upper class, and because they use them like a tool, keep the upper class in power. This reinforces inequality in society through the criminal justice system, because the upper class will always be able to have access to more resources they will also always use those resources against the lower class (Bucher, 2012). Process in Criminal Justice Is Justice Served? The pressure felt in a case created by media and the public eye have the ability to cause investigations to be sped up. The endangers the adversarial process to make mistakes and possibly out of convenience and pressure convict the first person they think committed the crime. Once police officers make an arrest they tend to not pursue any other possible leads until the person they have in custody is proven to be innocent. This hurts the search for truth because officers become close minded and search only for evidence to convict that individual. Another factor that can deter the search for truth is false confessions. False confessions, among other factors, are commonly created due to unethical interrogation tactics or confused eye witnesses testimony. â€Å"A confession is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence that can be presented in court† (Westervely & Humphrey, 36, 2008). Even if the confession is false, juries have been known to take into consideration testimony even when told not to. False confessions are usually given by suspects who are coerced, confused, have doubt in-self, or shame. All this can be attributed to the psychological games used by interrogators, intentional or unintentional (Gudjonsson, 1992). Can true justice be served when police use unethical tactics to get their confession? This is a question scholars who study ethics have pondered with for decades. Bias in Law There are many principles to consider when a jury is deciding a verdict. Racial beliefs, media and number of factors can influence a jury’s verdict (David F. Hall, 1984). Since each individual interprets the process of the trial differently it greatly influences the decision of case. The way society is socialized leads to certain bias to people of different races, genders, sexuality, and backgrounds. These factors greatly influence a cases outcome, even though lawyers are allowed to select their jury it is impossible to know each person individually (Albonetti and Hagan, 1982). In common law, legislature creates the laws that are written down and left for interpretation by the judges of the court, this is called statutory interpretation (Bucher, 2012). The strength of this system of law is the ability that law has to change; downfall is that it leaves room for bias in the interpretation of law. Some scholars suggest that law and the legal system is patriarchal. The feminist legal theory suggests that the legal system is male dominated and perpetuates gender discrimination (Bucher, 2012). Language can be biased in law; the United States suffers from this weakness. In the Declaration of Independence biased language is evident. â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal† a line from the Declaration of independence has brought forth discussion and conflict because of biases behind the words. Women have fought for their rights to be considered equal because society takes the patriarchal documents literal, progress is slowly made. Everything, including law, can be interpreted differently, making the judge’s job detrimental to the court process. The discretion of the authority in the court system, although important, also creates inconsistency in the legal system. African Americans account for 49.4 percent of the 1.3 million Americans in prison (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Two different theories can explain the bias in society that explains the high population of African Americans. These theories are the Individual Explanation Theory and the Structural Explanation Theory. Individual Explanation Theory This theory focuses on the behavior and traits of those involved in a trial. Racism is a factor in explaining why an innocent person is tried. This happens because the adversarial system does not focus on searching for the truth and allows the jury to makes a decision on beliefs and prejudices of a certain race. Stereotyping is also included when a jury convicts someone on account of preconceived notions of a group (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Structural Explanation Theory This theory provides two explanations for the bias. The first is the Blalocks Power-Threat Hypothesis. The hypothesis states that the increase in minority conviction is due to whites trying to keep power and control over minority races by disadvantaging them. The second explanation states that the treatment of minorities in the criminal justice system is a reflection of societal beliefs. â€Å"Equality in the criminal justice system is not possible until everything else is equal† (Westervely & Humphrey, 128, 2008). Plea-Bargains and its deficiencies Due to the amount of offenders that go through the U.S. court systems prosecutors are more likely to use plea-bargains to settle cases quickly. â€Å"It is estimated that roughly 90-95 percent of all criminal convictions are arrived through plea–bargains† (Vago, 118). This tactic can be linked to stratification and inequality, when a person on trial does not have the finances for a good lawyer the assumption is that they will lose. This makes a plea-bargain more appealing, as it is the best option to avoid a longer sentence (Kipnis, 1976). â€Å"The Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants summarized the state of representation as follows: â€Å"Overall, there is abundant evidence in this report that defense services for the poor are inadequately funded. As a result, millions of persons who have a constitutional right to counsel are denied effective legal representation†Ã¢â‚¬  (Mosteller, 2011). This is another factor to cause change in the legal system so that truth can properly be found. The ability to plea-guilty hinders the search for truth and justice. In the inquisitorial system guilty pleas and plea-bargaining are not allowed so that the system can properly search for the truth. It does not give the accused rights, unlike the United States. While in the United States the adversarial process gives the accused the ability to plead guilty for a lesser sentence which some would consider â€Å"soft† on crime. In the adversarial process after a confession is given, the investigation is typically over even if the individual is innocent. In the inquisitorial system a confession is not warranted since it is the duty of the court to come up with evidence and prove guilt (Berger, 1972). Injustice With all this bias in our legal system this gives room for errors in justice. â€Å"An error in justice is any departure from an optimal outcome of justice for a criminal case† (Frost, 2004). There are two types of errors that can be described: systematic and random. Systematic is when there is an error within the law that consistently creates injustice. When a law is in enacted and it oppresses a certain group consistently this is systematic injustice. Random errors are created while criminal justice officials are enforcing the law and the error is sporadic (Frost, 2004). Both of these can create errors of due process, which is when the rights of the accused are violated. The first error is miscarriage of justice; an example of this is when an innocent man is convicted of a crime. The second type of error of due process is error of impunity, when an error in the procedure of due process is committed and as a result guilty convict is set free. Both of these do create great mistrust in the legal system and deter people from getting involved within its legal processes (Sherman, 2002). This can lead to what Black was suggesting when he stated that law will shift back to a more primitive family based form of sanctions, because of mistrust in the authority that was supposed to protect them. Change With new understandings of societal factors (race, gender, sexuality) the adversarial system needs to be revised so that it aids the search for truth or it will be blinded by these factors. Society has grown complex and so has its problems with in the legal system. The courts must come up with different resolutions for crimes and convictions, not just a â€Å"one size fits all solution†. In essence the adjudication system is not wrong, but the misuse of evidence and human error leads to mistakes. One might ask should we change the adversarial system entirely or fix the many flaws within the system. The current process being used relies on the state (prosecutor) to determine if the court should or shouldn’t present the evidence accumulated from the crime, or if that would benefit the accused in some way. All evidence should be given to a neutral party, such as the court, and have the court system decide what should be done. This would remove the ability of the prosecutor to hide facts that could be essential to the investigation (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). In an ideal system the court should base their decision after learning all the facts, without any evidence withheld from either side. There can be a mixture of different processes, which can better achieve justice in a complex society. For example, a different process would be needed to determine if a dangerous criminal is guilty than that of finding parental rights. Forms such as the inquisitorial investigation, mediation, private problem-solving, group negotiating processes could be used to search for truth. Conclusion The adversarial systems values do not match what the goals of the system should be. In the ideal system restorative and rehabilitation justice would be utilized to the fullest in order to help the people going through the criminal justice process learn and become productive members of society. Society’s beliefs are that of retribution and vengeance. Society as a whole wants to see criminals punished for crimes that they feel where committed upon them. To completely change the beliefs of the criminal justice system, society needs to change its values from retribution and vengeance, to a form of justice that will help society instead of looking for revenge. Values in the criminal justice system represent what that society believes in. The belief in winning shouldn’t be enforced, like the adversarial process has done, because it does not accomplish what the main goal of the criminal justice system is: to provide justice to the citizens of the country the system serves, along with the search for truth. The values of rehabilitation and restoration should be the foundation on which we build our new system. If this is done than our society will begin to help its self in creating a strong nation that is just and true. References Albonetti, Celesta and Hagan, John. Race, Class, and the Perception of Criminal Injustice in America. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (Sep., 1982), pp. 329-355 Berger, Moise. The Case Against Plea-Bargaining. American Bar Association Journal. Vol 62.pg621.(1972) Black, Donald. The Behavior of Law. The University of Michigan, Academic Press. 1976 Bucher, Jacob. Law and Society. Lectures. Baker University. 2012 Cantor, Norman F. Imagining the law: Common law and the foundations of the American legal system. HarperCollins Publishers (New York). 1997. David F. Hall et al., Post event Information and Changes in Recollection for a Natural Event, in Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Perspectives124 (Gary L. Wells & Elizabeth F. Loftus eds., 1984) Frost, Brian. Errors of Justice: Nature, Sources, and Remedies. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.2004. Gudjonsson, Gisli H. The psychology of interrogations, confessions and testimony. Wiley series in psychology of crime, policing and law. Oxford, England: John Wiley & Sons. (1992). xii 362 pp. Humphrey, John A. & Westervely, Saundra D. Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice. Rutgers State University Press. 2008 Jonakait, Randolph N. The Rise of the American Adversary System: American Before England. New York Law School. Widner Law Review. V14.2009. Kipnis, Kenneth. Criminal Justice and the Negotiated Plea. The University of Chicago Press. Ethics , Vol. 86, No. 2 (Jan., 1976), pp. 93-106 Meadow, Carrie M. The Trouble with the Adversarial System in a Postmodern, Multicultural World. William and Mary Law Review. V.38. 1996. Merrill B. Hintikka & Jaakko Hintikka, How Can Language Be Sexist?, in Discovering Reality, supra note 31, at 139. Mosteller, Robert P. Failures of the American Adversarial System to Protect the Innocent and Conceptual Advantages in the Inquisitorial Design for Investigative Fairness.2011. University of North Carolina School of Law. Sherman, Lawrence W. Trust and Confidence in Criminal Justice. NIJ Journal, March (2002): 23-31. Vago, Steven. Law and Society. Pearson Education, Practice Hall.2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Corona Beer

Grupo Modelo S. A. de C. V. was formed in 1992, and opened its first brewery in 1925. It’s Mexico’s largest beer producer and distributor. Among the company’s many brands was Corona Extra, which had been the world’s fourth best selling beer in terms of volume. Under the operational direction of Diez, Modelo started producing Corona in clear quarter bottles in response to consumers’ preference for clear glasses. It became the strength and let it become popular. What’s more, Modelo bought the brands and assets of Toluca Mexico Brewery as well as the country’s oldest established brand of beer, Victoria.It led the company to have a strong growth. At this moment, the opportunity was that most local competitors were selling beer to the American army for WWII, so Modelo aimed to concentrate domestic market and improve distribution methods and production facilities within Mexico. Another economic factor was Mexico became industrialized, and it ’s infrastructure allowed for large scale distribution. Because of the two factors, Modelo was successful to be a local leader. And Corona was listed on the Mexican Stock exchange in 1994.Mexico, the world’s 11th most populated country was one of the largest beer markets in the world and it’s also the birthplace of most affluent tequila. So there’s no doubt Modelo have lots of competitors, especially FEMSA. Though Modelo had built up a strategic alliance with Anheuser-Busch to broaden its international impact, FEMSA was distributing Coca-Cola products in Mexico and had a partnership with Heineken—Modelo’s international competitor to attack the U. S. Market. Heineken planned to be the market leader in US through aggressive campaign.So Modelo made efforts to be more competitive. According to Modelo’s expanding abroad, Corona distributed by Amalgamated Distillery Products Inc, and because of its unique products, it had become the second most popular imported beer in United States. Then, a political problem—coupled with federal excise tax on beer made Corona’s distributors absorb the tax rather than pass it on to consumers. However, it turned to be Corona’s strength that the sales increased ever since and Modelo also took advantages of NATFA environment.As a result, Modelo was exporting five kinds of beer to United States and three brands ranked among eight first. Since its entrance into the American beer market, Corona had built a market campaign around the idea of â€Å"fun in the sun. † It’s a brilliant and unique market campaign. It was born out of Modelo’s international expansion strategy of giving autonomous control to experienced, local distributors. It targeted on women and party scenes. Then Corona was able to get the non-beer-drinking population to drink beer by its unobtrusive and bland taste.Furthermore, with its advertising slogan, it built strong images of esca pe, enjoyment and relaxation successfully. However, Modelo were still facing challenges. Though FEMSA did not experience the same in the international arena as Modelo, it is the exclusive distributors of Coca-Cola and Central America. Though Corona surpassed Heineken as Ameriaca’s top imported beer, but it’s because the failure that Heineken always advertising for the superior quality ,with little attention devoted to any other aspect of its brand.So Medelo had to face its new status to make its success story a sustainable one. To conclude, for Modelo, it’s strengths are 1) Mexico’s largest beer producer and distributor 2) Corona Extra had been the world’s fourth best selling beer in volume 3)Top imported beer in US 4) Distributors absorb the tax rather than pass it on to consumers 5) Brilliant market champaign 6) Strong brand image. It’s weaknesses are 1) Lack of merger with other companies 2) Lack of partners. For the direct environment, i t targeted those non beer drinking people especially women.Modelo’s direct competitor in Mexico is FEMSA. It’s the distributor of Coca-Cola and Central America and it has high quality and have a partnership with Heineken to attack the US market. The international competitor is Heineken. It’s main importer in US and it planned to be the market leader through market campaigns. For the global environment, the political factors are 1)North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) environment. 2) Federal excise tax —-absorb the tax rather than pass it on to customers. The economical factor is Mexico is the world’s 11th most populated country.The social factors are 1)Mexico is the birthplace and still home of the most affluent tequila market. 2) It targeted non beer drinking population especially women. The technology factor is the advertising style and the legal factors are laws and regulations of alcohol. Above all, Modelo can focus on advertising more to increase the number of non beer drinking consumers and develop more customers to establish a supply chain to make products available in more places. What’s more, Modelo can also expand its international market not only in US and Europe but in Asia.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Global Family Business Leadership Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Global Family Business Leadership - Term Paper Example The company incorporates two exceptional principles: Efficiency and Freedom for generations. This distinguishes Mars from its competitors. Being a private family owned business there has to be freedom to make long term investments (Nicholson, 2005). The Middle East and North Africa (Mena) began in 1930when its predecessor Morgan Guaranty Trust Company helped U.S based oil companies to strengthen their operations in Saudi Arabia (Aronoff & Ward, 1996). Morgan Guaranty Trust Company is owned by 20% of the shareholders based in London (Barrett & Moores, 2009). Expansion to a market segment like Saudi Arabia may pose tricky situation bearing in mind the religion and culture of most residents in this market. In addition, clashing values, setting and atmosphere play a crucial role in the new entrance (Nicholson, 2005). All businesses require proper management in order to succeed in its endeavors (Aronoff & Ward, 1996). Mars being a global family business believes in seeking leaders’ advises in regards to protection of culture, putting in place business innovations and in providing direction to visions and values of the organization (Nicholson, 2005). The greatest challenge of such a role is unique to every family and context of operation Mars included. It should be noted that leadership in such positions as family businesses is one of the most debated and perplexing scenarios world over, yet least understood. This paper seeks to gather thoughts and experiences with a view of solving puzzling intricacies behind Mar’s expansion into Saudi Arabia. Family business leaders often face numerous strategic challenges in their efforts to maintaining a strong cultural identity of the business (Nicholson, 2005). This research paper underscores emotional intelligence in management, family-non-family relationship at the management apex, collective leadership as well as cultural build up

Friday, September 27, 2019

Academic Strategic Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Strategic Paper - Essay Example I also take practical concepts of theory learnt in class seriously so that I am able to demonstrate central issues and their real life application. This is a significant aspect of my academic goal that would help me during transition into the real world outside the theoretical framework of class presentations. Besides, I believe in exercising high level of communication skills as a core aspect of expressing ideas such that I may be able to reconcile the scores in the paper with what I am able to say in front of the people. It is important to note that achievement of the highlighted academic goals is very dependent on contribution of various stakeholders. I must enlist the support of various individuals in my daily academic life to ensure that my dreams are achieved. The key players in this regard would include; school administration, teaching staff and parents. It is indisputable that school administration is responsible for providing a conducive learning environment. This includes drafting and implementing rules and regulations that help learners manage intra-personal and interpersonal interaction with other members of school community. Besides, provision of necessary learning resources is the work of school administration hence its critical stake in the learning system. In that respect, I seek to adhere to school rules and regulations so that I may have the peace and strength to learn uninterrupted. My focus on better grades will highly be boosted by good conduct in the light of laid down school rul es and general ethical standards that include academic honesty. The teaching staff is a key stakeholder that would help me through daily interaction in class to achieve my set goals. They offer tuition, tests and advice on how to tackle questions, master concepts and set goals. In that regard, I would make efforts to ensure I am in good terms with the teaching staff and engage in consistent enquiry on various topics I fail to understand. Such continuous

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personal development and careers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Personal development and careers - Assignment Example Learning can be presented in terms of two theories, cognitive and behavioural. Cognitive behaviour or cognition focuses on a person’s thought processes to determine his or her behaviours and emotions. Behavioural theory is based on the changes, which can be observed in behaviour, and concentrates on a response to some type of stimulus. Other differences between the two theories include the fact that cognition helps to explain how the processes of brain work and store new information, while the behaviourists are involved in applying laboratory outcomes to elucidate the performance of human beings. Cognitive problem solving involves insight and understanding compared to behaviourist’s problem solving method which occurs via trial and error. Learning is frequently defined by the terms cognitive or behavioural. But there are numerous definitions for it. These include definitions such as ‘changes in an individual's behaviour arising from experience’, ‘the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge’, ‘a relatively permanent change in cognition, resulting from experience and directly influencing behaviour’ and ‘changes in a person's behaviour caused by information and experience.’ Although there is no exact definition of the term learning, but the essential premise from the explanations provided above is that of a change or transformation in behaviour through the acquisition of knowledge, some skill or experience. McShane and Travaglione (2003) recognized the process of learning as direct experience, reinforcement, feedback, and observation. Reinforcement is the strengthening of behaviour that is expected to occur in the future. Operant conditioning shows how new behaviours become conventional through association with particular stimulus. Any behaviour that is reinforced or rewarded will tend to be recurring. Operant conditioning or reinforcement considerably improves learning in a work setting. Feedback is defined as any information that people receive about the consequences of their former behaviour. Feedback has an effect on behaviour, hence learning improves performance and enhances the individual’s ability and motivates them.  A person can learn a lot about him/her and the organisation through feedback, including his strengths and weaknesses, which may enable him to undertake specific courses (steps) to build knowledge and improve the quality of work.   Observation helps people to learn by observing the behaviours of others, resulting in people modelling the behaviour that leads to a constructive and positive outcome as opposed to a behaviour that will lead to unfavourable results. Observation helps in increasing an individual’s motivation and ability by watching others accomplishing their objectives and identifying themselves within that position. The majority of what is learnt in an organization today occurs through experience. Direct experience is sometimes required to gain understanding and change, refine, or create a mental model. Direct experience provides built-in opportunities for active involvement in a learning environment which determinedly shapes individual’s understandings. These four activities which identify the procedure of learning are further supported by Nonaka’s process. Here the learning process is also divided in four phases: socialization, externalisation, combination and internalisation. Socialisation is where

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ulysses Grant and His diplomatic achievements in Civil War Essay

Ulysses Grant and His diplomatic achievements in Civil War - Essay Example It is at this civil war that Ulysses Grant emerged as one of the most successful war commanders of his time after he prevented the secession from taking place. He would later become elected as the 18th president of the United States of America. Ulysses began his career in military action by first serving as a cadet after enrolling at West Point Military Academy at the age of 17 years. After graduation from the military academy, where he emerged at number 21 out of 39 cadets, Grant went on to serve in the American Mexican war. Being under generals such as Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott, Grant was able to learn the strategies of war. He retired from active service in 1854, and was working at his father’s tannery as a clerk, when the civil war began. Born Hiram Ulysses Grant, he had to change his name due to a clerical error when at the military academy in West Point. According to Bunting and Schlesinger (2004), Grant grew up under easy discipline and devoted attention (p10). Therefore, it was not hard for him to adapt to the demands of military action. His parents were rather opposites in opinions, with his father Jesse praising the young boy at every opportunity he had while his mother Hannah, was an unbeliever in praise (Bunting and Schlessinger 10). His boyhood and education was conventional at the time (Bunting and Schlessinger 11). ... st Point but his wedding had to delay due to the threat of war with Mexico, which he later took part in unknowing that this would be an important phase of his career as a soldier. His performance in the war was exemplary, and lead to his promotion to first lieutenant due to his bravery. He played a huge part in the capture of Mexico City and his experience at this Mexico-American war would later come as an advantage to him during the civil war (Hickman Para 3). The Civil War The civil war began in 1861 when Grant was serving in his father’s tannery, and this offered him the chance he was so much willing to take- that of getting back to military action. In 1852, Grant had been stationed in Fort Vancouver, a place he considered lonely and could not take his family with him. Due to this, he started drinking heavily, and was charged for it though no formal evidence emerged. He later had to resign to avoid getting the boot. On coming back to the civil war, Grant served in the union army that was seeking to end the confederates reign. At the union army, Grant began as a trainer for the new recruits in the army and was promoted to colonel in June 1861, where Major General Fremont later appointed him as commander of the district of Cairo in Illinois. President Lincoln would later appoint him as Brigadier General of the army after serving for the adjutant in Illinois. His diplomatic achievements would start early on in his career as a civil war soldier, where after training the new recruits as commissioned by Governor Yates, he was successful in convincing congressman Elihu B Washburn to appoint him as colonel (Patterson et al 150). His colonel duty saw him lead the Illinois infantry a largely unruly unit, but was able to reform the unit into the best fighting unit in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mini project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Mini project - Essay Example However, using immobilized enzymes very small size makes it difficult to separate them out of the product. Therefore, industries generally optimize the reaction rate and the ease of separation while determining which particle size to employ. The present report explores how various process parameters influence the particle size of chitosan microspheres. Data has been collected on how various parameters determine the size of immobilized enzyme particles. It should however be noted that data will exhibit variability even though the investigation is carried out under the same test conditions because the particle shape may not always be a perfect sphere and thus the measurement may have some degree of variability depending on particle position during measurement. The experiment is aimed at determining the conditions required for making a chitosan enzyme particle of a specific size by employing statistical techniques. Four parameters have been incorporated because of their influence on par ticle size, namely – Tween 80 concentration, stirring rate, glutaraldehyde concentration and chitosan concentration. As seen in table 1, different particle sizes of chitosan obtained for two different stirring rates. For speeds at 1000rpm, three peaks have been found, at 0.40, 0.41 and 0.43. This may be indicative of contamination in the sample. Similarly for stirring rate of 500rpm, peaks were observed at 0.38 and 0.40. The data for both stirring rates appeared to be skewed towards a smaller particle size. The particle diameter ranged between 0.381 and 0.441 for stirring rate of 500rpm, and between 0.386 and 0.453 for stirring rate of 1000rpm. The plot for 500rpm stirring rate has a lift value at 0.4065, lesser than that for 1000rpm. It can be seen from the plot that 75% of data on lift is between the values of 0.3955 and 0.419 while the values for good data should lie between 0.36025 and 0.45425. The plot for 1000rpm

Monday, September 23, 2019

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case Essay

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 5 - Case - Essay Example 4.2 million births per year) which results in high infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate (WHO). The increasing birth rate is primarily associated with less educational facilities and religious matters. The health disparities that exist within the country are mainly due to the educational, health, social, economic differences between rural and urban areas. Malaria, tuberculosis, Diarrhea, measles and tetanus are also major health concerns of the government. Hepatitis is also posing a great threat to the health of population. Â ¼ of the total population in Pakistan are obese and have chronic problems (Tauqeer et al.). These health problems and others are basically related to the educational, social and economic conditions of the country. People in Pakistan, do not get much education on vaccines and health checkups on regular basis. The unavailability of education and health services is posing a threat to the health situation of Pakistan. Hygiene is one of the major issues that is worsening the health condition in Pakistan. About eighty percent of the prevailing diseases like diarrhea, malaria, typhoid etc. are due to poor sanitary conditions, unavailability of purified drinking water and cleanliness facilities. The following chart defines the health priorities that require immediate consideration and call for an action by the Government, local authorities and general public. These issues are prioritized on the basis of mortality rates by those issues. The figures are taken from Death and DALY estimates by cause (2002). There is a need to improve the current trends of death rates by resolving the life risking health issues. Since, it has been observed that the major concerns include but are not limited to cleanliness facilities, health disparities on the basis of social, economic and educational differences and high birthrate risking the life of child and mother both. The basic need is to call for an

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Workplace Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 107

Workplace Teams - Essay Example As the discussion declares the structural shift from a top-down management system to a team-based management led to the creation of workplace teams. Many companies adopted the team-based approach because it enhances innovativeness and problem-solving abilities of the company. People can brainstorm on problems and propose ideas that are more optimum compared to a single person working. It enables a company that adopts it to be agile as its workforce is agile. Workplace teams are thus, important in a changing environment. Therefore, every student ought to be prepared to be an effective team player. Teamwork skills are important, and thus many companies, usually, consider the ability of its prospective employee to work effectively in a group. From this paper it is clear that a team-oriented structure means organizations or companies rely on small teams to handle and manage a number of tasks. Workplace teams proffer certain benefits because it permits collaboration of a number of employees. As defined by Ahles & Bosworth, a team consists of a small number of persons with matching skills. The persons hold themselves accountable for a common intention, approach, and a set of goals. Therefore according to the definition of Ahles & Bosworth and supported by Cornish, workplace team leads to better solutions, better production, and creativity. The advantages of a team-based approach are due to the ability of the approach to place equal responsibilities on the members of the group.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Essay Example for Free

Business Essay A. 1. As I began my journey as a new business owner of a computer company I needed to define my companys goals, decide which direction I wanted to take the company to and create a mission statement that will best represent my company. Since the company was new I needed to come up with something catchy and promising that would invite potential clients to find out more about the products we offer. Since there were more participants in this game and from my professional experience I learned that staying on the same path and making advancements is more beneficial than trying to change directions every time. In this case I remained focused on the same two groups for the remaining 3 rounds. Instead of changing and adding more products every quarters like most of the other participants I kept my two models (one for each group) and made necessary corrections and modifications based on the market needs. I verified the requirements of each group, the priorities and the price range each client is willing to pay. Since there are no specific techniques used in this part of the business analysis I used my own judgment in making sure that I create the best product with the items that are most important to the potential client group. As stated above I initially created two products (one for each group) and after the first round they both passed 70% but in the scientific group it was not chosen as one of the best. In the second round I was given an option of reviewing products of my competitors and the only difference was the larger monitor and an upgraded keyboard. I added those options to my products and in the next round both products did very well. I had to make sure that in the nest round I keep up with the new upgrades and add them to my products to make sure that I keep up with the new technology. Even after making the upgrades the prices did not change a lot and the two groups still chose my product as one of their choices and my products were receiving 100% in both categories. Out of all the categories my market performance would produce larger results if I was not afraid in estimating more clients and produce more computers in both categories. Every quarter I ended up loosing clients and sales due to shortage in inventory. My market performance, marketing effectiveness and human resource management remained slightly low even though I was very close to my competitors. As far as my salary package I paid my employees the most but I only contributed 2% of their salary versus 5% that everyone else was contributing. I believe that salary is more important than the retirement contribution. I upgraded health benefits but kept the contribution the same. 2.I would not change the targeted markets I have selected because my decision was a success. I wanted to make sure that my company will have balance between high paying clients and not as much demand and those where the profits are not as high but the demand is much higher. My analogy was right on target because with the Mercedes I was making higher profit but the number of machines was not as high as the market for general public where the profit was significantly lower. After being chosen by both markets as a preferred factory I had to make sure that I am keeping up with current technology and by adding extra features the price difference is not too high so that I would loose my lower profit clients. With that business idea I was able to survive my competition and climb up to the top. 3.When it comes to the sales locations I selected I believe that I have done enough research to make a good decision. Since I have chosen Mercedes for scientific computers and general public I wanted to make sure that I cover United States since Mercedes mainly operated in the US and their main headwaters are in Germany. Therefore I chose NY as one of the first offices along with France in Europe. My next choice was Tokyo since they have the most advanced technology and I can use that as my selling point to generate more business. My last choice was South America even though the expenses were not as high but it is less demanding since the poverty is significantly high. As expected, choosing my locations in this order was a success. 4.Marketing research could definitely be improved since I was not as successful as I was hoping to be. Most of my business was coming from direct sales and not as much from other advertising. I did not want to invest large amounts of money on the popular magazines since the fee was very high and I was concentrating on more common papers such as Science Magazines and business papers. Maybe I should have been more adventurous and invest in more popular magazines but I was afraid that I would suffer financially. Also I was not able to come up with a very catchy advertising line to attract potential clients and was scoring somewhat low on the advertising review. B.One of the most important decisions I made was to invest in international markets. Since Mercedes is from Germany and its factories are in the US I felt as investing in a European market would be a good idea simply because I come from Europe and I know that Mercedes is in demand as well as there are a lot of companies in need of a highly developed machine that can make their discoveries and creations a lot easier. I was a little hesitant about opening offices in Tokyo since their technology is very advanced and cost is very high. But because of that I decided to stand with competition face to face and use this to my advantage. By creating same quality machines for a little lesser cost I was able to survive and beat most of my competition. South America had smaller expenses but the demand was not very high considering the high number of less fortunate individuals. If investing in the international markets required large funds I would concentrate on the US market and possibly South America. Unless I discovered high turnaround and my investment would not affect my company’s future I would consider this option. Throughout my entire game I was very cautious and I was afraid of heavy investment simply because my funds were very limited and I did not want to jeopardize my company over greed and quick wealth. After reviewing my financial reports I was able to determine if additional investment is possible and how my this would effect the company overall. Heavy investment would depend on how the financial statements looked, careful review of the international markets and position of the company in the global market. If the company would not be as successful at the end of the 4th quarter as I wanted it to be I would most likely find another route to expand my borders.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Real Estate Business Plan

Real Estate Business Plan Business idea- Real Estate (Apartment House Finder Business) Executive Summary Finding a new home or apartment to rent can be a very time-consuming and daunting task. Thats why many people needing to rent a home enlist the services of a professional apartment and house-finder service. The service can be operated from home and on the web but I will start company by taking a rental office location for client visits, as well as build a website to feature available properties for rent. This business is competitive. Company want to consider specializing in one or more of the following types of rentals: room mate listings, short-term furnished and unfurnished accommodations, long-term furnished and unfurnished accommodations, executive accommodations, rentals that allow pets, student housing, vacation properties, or niche properties such as penthouses only, parking stalls, floating accommodations, or artist lofts and commercial properties. There can also have a couple of options in terms of fees. Company can charge renters a fee to find the right place to suit their needs. Or can charge the landlord or building owner a fee to list his or her properties with your service. The key costs related to start-up will be in the region of  £2,000  £10,000 depending upon the shop location. What I Need to Start my business: Step  1: Identify the need for an apartment locator service in my local area. Make phone calls, followed by in-person visits to local apartment complexes announcing the benefits of the services Our company will provide. Start by locating properties for family and friends, and use their successes as testimonials to the efficiency of your service. Step  2 company will License new apartment locator business with the state. Obtain a unified business license to operate within the state where our company will conduct business. Determine a structure for our business, such as a corporation, limited liability company or sole proprietor. Contact city licensing agency to determine if additional permits and licenses are required for our business type. Step  3 Rent, lease or convert a home office space. If our company will meet with applicants and apartment representatives in office, leasing an affordable commercial space will provide a more professional environment. Or we can Convert a room in home to operate your new apartment locator business if we plan to conduct business through Internet. Step  4 we will Create a strategic operational and marketing plan will Follow that plan to measure successes, growth of business and build a data base of clients and applicants. we will Promote our apartment locator business with fliers, business cards, refrigerator magnets, mass mailings, advertisements in local community papers and temporary specials, such as fee free for 30 days. Step  5 company will Collect apartment finder guides for our area will Use apartment guides to compile a working database of complexes and online resident feedback. Categorize by name, location, price and number of bedrooms. Take special care to accurately match with apartment seekers. Check online for apartment features and amenities before referring. Check areas and note added features, such as easy access to bus lines, shopping and schools. Step  6 Purchase office equipment, furniture and supplies. We will Stock office with supplies and furniture, such as pre-screening applications, staples, copy paper, file folders and cabinets. Purchase database and word processing software to electronically maintain applicant and client information. Step  7 company will Pre-qualify applicants before referring. Ensure applicants meet the income, rental history and criminal background requirements before making referrals. Obtain a release from applicants to conduct preliminary background checks. Employ the services of a background investigation service to collect additional information, such as credit reports. Objectives: it’s time to lay down how I am going to execute and bring mission to reality? That’s where setting goals or objectives come into play. S SPECIFIC M MEASURABLE A ACTIONABLE R REALISTIC T TIME-FRAME To provide the best accommodation available to the local community at a convenient time frame and at affordable price. To generate market share to make â€Å"Home Finder† a common name. To be a local home finder of choice based on customer satisfaction. Gross margin moderate and improving over the span of the plan. Safe, quality housing that provides state-of-the-art amenities at competitive prices. Maintaining open communication between Company and its customers in order to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction and long lasting reputation within the community. Mission: â€Å"HOME FINDER† provides high-quality, comfortable rental units in derby. Our company offer state-of-the-art living conditions reflective of the rapid advancements in technology and a growing need for quality housing. Our company is dedicated to a hassle free living environment in which our tenants can enjoy all of the benefits of safe, attractive, and inviting units. Unlike many other companies that are solely concerned with turning profits, our primary objective is to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction . Tenant safety, happiness, and comfort are our main goals. â€Å"HOME FINDER† maintains competitive market prices, while working toward expanding the number of units owned, and increasing total profits earned. Within the company we will strive to work as a cohesive, harmonious unit focused on exemplifying our mission. Just as customer satisfaction is an intricate part of company success, so is employee satisfaction. That is why the founders of †Å"HOME FINDER† Real Estate believe that employee satisfaction will make the company a success and will be the key to their longevity. Housing units will predominantly be located in the University neighbourhood targeting both students and professionals. Vision: Company vision is to start a business from home online with one person(sole proprietorship) and in few years reach to every person who needs services regarding property. To continue to expand and maintained the business while also increasing the level of profits . Company summary: Home Gadget Repair is to be set up as sole proprietorship owned by Gurjot kaur With a small loan from Government schemes and Get a bank loan . I will choose option to take loan for business from government schemes there are total 629 schemes available under â€Å"finance and support centre† and I can take loan under â€Å"New Enterprise Allowance. It will grow in one year from a one man business to four person business. Company will build the necessary infrastructure to quickly and efficiently respond to customers. To start a business I can go to National Enterprise Network it is a unique membership body representing the enterprise support sector across England. where I can get advice regarding my business and can convert my ideas into reality .i will get register my intellectual property there to make sure nobody can copy my business without my permission. Initially the business is to be set up as a Sole proprietorship, owned and operated for profit But after few years when company will be able to invest for business extension we will lease a space for the offices and purchase more company vehicles. Services: â€Å"HOME FINDER † company will provide different services like to find out rental house , flats and commercial properties according to user requirements. Moreover we will provide services to customers within 24 hours . From the day one we decide to give fast services to our clients. Market analysis summary : The key part of any business is market analysis .A market analysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. It looks into the size of the market both in volume and in value .There are two factors you need to look at when assessing the size of a market: the number of potential customers means quantitative market research and the value of the market, feedback , thoughts and feelings of customers are related to qualitative market research. Market and customer segmentation: In target market there are two types of customers one is those who are looking for commercial property and other one those who are looking for homes and apartments. Customers those who are looking for houses and apartments for rent according to my market research they will be between 18-34 age and most of them will be immigrants like students, professionals , singles and couples. According to prototype testing they are not willing to spend too much money on rent . Second group of customers are those who are looking for commercial properties they can be a sole proprietor , can be a business partners and can be a big corporation. Their demands for rental property will be different and amount of rent willing to spend will be different . All these things can be sure by survey on a certain group of people and it can help me to improve my business plan . Customer relationship management (CRM): customer relationship management is a strategy for managing all company relationship and interactions with customers. Company will focus on every individual customer whether he is new customer or current customer. It will help our company profitability. In CRS our company will use centralised data base system where all contacts will be stored who ever will be related to our company . In this way we can enable inquire data in back office as well in front office. Why CRM in real estate ? Tenant relationship information is managed in multiple or isolated databases that can create duplicative information and to understand and share that data will become difficult. When every lease or transaction will be different and the associated process to execute that is unique and manual, undue administrative effort and errors will be occur. Marketing: In businesses marketing is everything . Marketing strategy create a meaningful interaction between two parties. There are many ways through which we can reach to customers. USP (Unique selling point): To attract customers and make profit company must have a unique selling point it will be a strong way to compete with competitors in market and will be a key point to stay in market for long period . As compare to companys other competitors our company will charge less . the other one unique point is our company will not take any commission from rent we will just charge customer our fee . Customer can also give rent in instalments to landlord if he cant afford. We will Learn our competitors’ strengths and weaknesses – imitate their strengths, and use their weaknesses to our advantage. Revenue streams: company source of revenue will be the services that company will offer . Tenant will get a property on rent according to their requirements and they will pay accordingly. company will charge a consultation fee for service and will also take commission from the monthly rent . From the landlord company can charge if he is using our website to advertise his property . Value proposition: Values we deliver to the customer: Convenience is the foremost thing that we will give to customer. To satisfy customer with our services is our first duty. Company will not charge any fee if tenant is not satisfied with service and want to change the property. We will provide service to customer as soon as possible because we know how important the customer time is, will charge less as compare to other market competitors. Risk analysis: Specific risk and their solutions: If a customer wants to break a contract before the completion of agreement then there is a solution for this problem before making a contract company will make a lease documents in a proper legal way with the agreement of both parties . This agreement can be a written and oral(recorded). Break clause: Agreed by the landlord and tenant, where the lease can be ‘broken’ without anyone facing a penalty. Tenant need to give landlord 2 months notice that he/she is using the break clause. Fixed-term tenancy: A fixed-term tenancy means the lease automatically comes to an end when the term is up. If a tenant want to stay on after this term, tenant can do so if your landlord agrees. However, staying on past a fixed term marks a ‘continuing obligation’ to pay rent. You’ll then need to give 3 months notice when you want to leave. Landlords and ending a lease: Landlord can only end a lease when the tenant fails to pay rent or meet other lease obligations. If landlord have included a ‘forfeiture clause’ in the lease, landlord can use it in these situations to end the lease. However, if the tenant can challenge this in court they may be allowed to stay in the property. There is a one more solution that can stop the occurrence of these types of problems like before agreement our company will do inquiry at a tenant side. company will check the financial status of party , past records. Our company will be update itself from time to time of new laws of leasing a property. SWOT Analysis: Strengths : Our company will charge less fee and less commission from customer and will take commission †¦% only if customer is giving rent more than 500 . so this is a one positive point of our company to attract customers. We will serve customer and will fulfil customer requirements in better way. We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need for higher management approval. We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working. We have low overheads, so we can offer good value to customers We are able to give really good customer care, as the current small amount of work means we have plenty of time to devote to customers Weaknesses: Initially the only person who will handle whole business will be I . so no manpower can be a negative point for me Company will have a small staff, with a shallow skills base in many areas . Our company is new it will be a challenge for me to make image in market. Our cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages Opportunities : Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale. Changes in government policy related to my field and I am well aware of all laws of government related to my business. Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on. Local events can give me opportunities . Our business sector is expanding, with many future opportunities for success. Local government wants to encourage local businesses. Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies Threats: Budget can be a massive threat for our company because initially whether I get profit or loss I have to invest money and have to be patient to get profit. I have to compete with those companies who are well established in market and have good image. To run a business smoothly it can be a threat for me. A small change in the focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we achieve

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wind Power Essay -- Wind Power Energy Sources Essays

Wind Power Harnessing the natural power of the wind is by no means a new concept. Asides from sailing, wind power has been utilised for many thousands of years, principally for agricultural purposes. Basic windmills are thought to have been used in Persia (now Iran) as early as the 7th century AD. Their ability to make use of otherwise untapped energy sources without the needs and costs of other alternatives, ensured that they remained the machines of preference in several industries throughout both agricultural and industrial revolutions. Whilst their basic concepts have remained true to the basic origins, technological advances have enabled engineers to adapt the mechanics of the mill to enable a more functional and useable source of power. In the 18th C, engineers developed spring sails (a device incorporating shutters onto the sails) to enable the mill to be run at constant speed during variable wind speeds automatically. The development of the fantail in 1745 also ensured the mills ran in the face of the wind and along with airbrakes meant that the mill could run at its most efficient at all times without the risk of doing itself damage in strong winds. Uses developed into water pumping, wood sawing, papermaking, pressing oil seeds and a variety of grinding uses. The use of wind turbines for generating electricity was pioneered in Denmark late in the 1890s. The concept was made a reality by Poul la Cour (1846-1908) who had originally trained as a meteorologist. He built the world's first electricity generating wind turbine in 1891 and although his project was a success, decided the greatest problem lay in storage of the electricity. As a result he used the electricity from his turbines for electrolysis in order to produce hydrogen for the gas lighting in his school.  ¡Ã‚ §One basic drawback of this scheme was the fact that he had to replace the windows of several school buildings numerous times, as the hydrogen exploded due to small amounts of oxygen in the gas (!) ¡Ã‚ ¨ DWTMA. As technological barriers were worked through, wind turbines became increasingly complicated. One of the greatest developments was the use of aerofoils instead of angled blades. Aerofoils have the benefit of using lift to turn the blades in the same manner as an aircraft ¡Ã‚ ¦s wing rises on an air current. This type of blade replaced the older type, which relied upon drag, t... ...9, Energy without end, Michael Flood, Friends of the Earth, London 1991 Green Futures, Magazine of Forum for the Future, Issues 6 1997- issue 11 1998, London Johnston, Bryan, 'Landscape effects leave wind power up in the air,' Planning 1084, 2.9.94. Milne, Roger, 'Renewables feel the draught,' Planning no. 1095, 18.11.94. Microsoft Encarta 1996 Encyclopaedia, Rothe, David, 'Renewable energy and rural development,' Town and Country Planning, March 1993. Review of the impacts of wind farms and other aerial structures upon birds, J Paul Gill, Mike Townsley & Greg P Mudge, Scottish National Heritage Review no.21, Perth UK, 1996 UK Power 99, McMillan- Scott PLC Publications, Cheshire December 1998 Wood, Peter & Wade-Smith, Richard, 'Welsh decision sets the wind farm scene', Planning 939, October  ¡Ã‚ ¥91. Wind Energy Conservation- from theory to practice- Proceedings of the 19th BWEA Conference (16-18 July  ¡Ã‚ ¦97), Edited by Ray Hunter, The British Wind Energy Association, Mechanical Engineering publications Ltd, London 1997 Wind Energy- Power for a sustainable future, British Wind Energy Association, London 1997,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Macbeths White Knight Banquo :: Free Essay Writer

Macbeth's White Knight Banquo       Shakespeare's tragic drama Macbeth features a man who is a Christian fighter. His life stands in contrast with that of the Macbeths. It is this Banquo about whom this essay will revolve.    In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye explains the rationale behind Banquo's ghost in this play:    Except for the episode of Hercules leaving Antony, where mysterious music is heard again, there is nothing really supernatural in Shakespeare's tragedies that is not connected with the murder of the order-figures. In Macbeth we have Banquo's ghost instead of Duncan's, partly because of the emphasis on the repose that Duncan has gained by getting murdered, and partly because the line of the reigning monarch descends from Banquo. (24)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson says that the ghost of murdered Banquo has the greatest emotional impact on Macbeth of any adverse experience:    He is confident enough, even after the commission of the crime, to put his faith in the Senecan maxim, per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter, "Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill." After he has been shaken by the appearance of the ghost of Banquo, he reflects,    For mine own good All causes must give way. I am in blood Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er;    and this is as near as he ever comes to repentance. (71)    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" contests the opinion that the ghost of Banquo is seen at the same time by Lady Macbeth:      Taking the view I do of Lay Macbeth's character, I cannot accept the idea (held, I believe, by her great representative, Mrs. Siddons) that in the banquet scene the ghost of Banquo, which appears to Macbeth, is seen at the same time by his wife, but that, in consequence of her greater command over herself, she not only exhibits no sign of perceiving the apparition, but can, with its hideous form and gesture within a few fee of her, rail at Macbeth in that language of scathing irony . . . (117)    Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare comment that Banquo is a force of good in the play, set in opposition to Macbeth: Macbeth's White Knight Banquo :: Free Essay Writer Macbeth's White Knight Banquo       Shakespeare's tragic drama Macbeth features a man who is a Christian fighter. His life stands in contrast with that of the Macbeths. It is this Banquo about whom this essay will revolve.    In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye explains the rationale behind Banquo's ghost in this play:    Except for the episode of Hercules leaving Antony, where mysterious music is heard again, there is nothing really supernatural in Shakespeare's tragedies that is not connected with the murder of the order-figures. In Macbeth we have Banquo's ghost instead of Duncan's, partly because of the emphasis on the repose that Duncan has gained by getting murdered, and partly because the line of the reigning monarch descends from Banquo. (24)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson says that the ghost of murdered Banquo has the greatest emotional impact on Macbeth of any adverse experience:    He is confident enough, even after the commission of the crime, to put his faith in the Senecan maxim, per scelera semper sceleribus tutum est iter, "Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill." After he has been shaken by the appearance of the ghost of Banquo, he reflects,    For mine own good All causes must give way. I am in blood Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er;    and this is as near as he ever comes to repentance. (71)    Fanny Kemble in "Lady Macbeth" contests the opinion that the ghost of Banquo is seen at the same time by Lady Macbeth:      Taking the view I do of Lay Macbeth's character, I cannot accept the idea (held, I believe, by her great representative, Mrs. Siddons) that in the banquet scene the ghost of Banquo, which appears to Macbeth, is seen at the same time by his wife, but that, in consequence of her greater command over herself, she not only exhibits no sign of perceiving the apparition, but can, with its hideous form and gesture within a few fee of her, rail at Macbeth in that language of scathing irony . . . (117)    Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare comment that Banquo is a force of good in the play, set in opposition to Macbeth:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Critical Review of Danger Boy Essay

Mark Williams’ â€Å"Danger Boy: Ancient fire† is set in 2019. It is a science fiction and time travelling novel. The text explores the effects of building a time machine. In Mark Williams’ novel, he examines the negative impact of futurist technology. Although the concept of time travelling may seem appealing at first glance, there is an ultimately destructive consequence that comes with it, like losing a love one. The novel opens with an argument between Eli’s father, Sandusky, and Mr Howe, a representative from a government department. Mr Howe persuades Sandusky to invent a machine that can slow down time in a force field. Sandusky’s wife, a scientist, assists Sandusky to invent the time travelling machine but she is sucked into the machine and travels back in time. Therefore, Sandusky is urged to produce another time machine that can slow down time with a more stable core. Upon starting up the machine, a piece of old paper emerges. Eli reaches for the newspaper and gets sucked into the year of Alexandria (415 C. E). Eli and his companion, a dinosaur and an Alexandrian, seeks to reunite Sandusky’s wife, returning to the present day life and save the world from the fatal disease that has slipped through time. The novel is structured by different narrative perspectives, in which different characters narrate the story from their personal point of view and experience. This type of structure of narrative point of views offers the reader a different perspective of the world from three characters: Eli, Clyne and Thea. The writer’s intention here may be to demonstrate the reality is never black or white, but can be interpreted and understood in different ways in different individuals. However, the one limitation to this type of structure is that the reader may experience confusion in attempting to understand the flow of the story, in which disputes the coherency of events. There are no obvious clues to indicate the change of the protagonist. The only visible clue available is the chapter title and the narrator’s name. Hence, this confuses us in terms of identifying the protagonist. As the reader continues to read, they will encounter an acronym many times before it gives its meaning. There are instances in the text when certain words such as â€Å"WHOMPEs† suddenly appear, which disrupts the flow of the story. Reading this novel for the first time will confuse the reader. As the reader progresses through the novel, Sandusky explains to Eli what a â€Å"WHOMPERs† is. It is a â€Å"Wide Orbiting Massless ParticlE Reversers. † The writers intention suggest that the scientific invention is an abstract idea which is foreign to humanity. The author uses a stream of consciousness to enable the reader to engage with the thought process of the character. When Sandusky answered Eli’s question about time, he replied ‘you go into the Fifth Dimension†¦hard to tell the difference between time and space, or when and where. Or even who and what. † This encourages the reader to think and be in the mind of the narrator. This is a really good idea for advanced readers who want to think beyond the novel. Williams’ got inspired to write the novel by his son. He got the idea when his son was running down the hallway yelling out â€Å"I’m a Danger Boy! † The novel’s setting is based on where he lives, which is LA. There could be a connection between the novel’s setting and where he lives. One connection is that LA is a place for relaxation and tourism. The main character travels to LA with his father to relax a bit after the tragic incident. One of the major themes in â€Å"Danger Boy† is time traveling. Time traveling is frequent in the novel. It happens when ever Eli puts his â€Å"WHOMPER† charged baseball cap on. Another theme them is history. History is shown in this novel from many perspectives. It is seen by going back in time to Alexandria (415 C. E). The main motif in the novel is a baseball cap. It is a motif because it’s a device that allows Eli to time travel. Without the baseball cap, Eli would just be like any other ordinary kid. This novel can be compared with Audrey Niffenegger’s â€Å"The Time Traveller’s Wife†. The two novels involve the same themes; history and time travelling. In â€Å"Danger Boy† Eli becomes a time traveller after he touches a time machine. He travels back in time to Alexandria. He can control when he wants to time travel, but can’t control on where it’ll take him. In â€Å"The Time Traveller’s Wife† Henry is born with a genetic disorder. This genetic disorder allowed him to time travel. There was one thing that he can’t control. It is where he lands from time travelling and when he time travels. Ultimately, Williams has created an adventurous and exciting novel. The book was exciting because it produced tension into whether the protagonists find Margret or not. The writer produced a text that was a bit difficult to read and establishment of the main character. The author shaped the words in the sentences really strangely which sometimes doesn’t make sense or it is not suitable, so the reader needs to re-read it to understand it. This novel should be raising questions about time travel, especially in the future.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Can Aung San Suu Kyi Really Change Myanmar

Can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi graduated from the Oxford University, B. A. in philosophy, politics and economics at St. Hugh’s College in 1967 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). On the 27 May 1990, her party, the National League Democracy (NLD) won 392 out of the 492 seats (Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010). Despite her popularity with the citizens in Myanmar, the military disregards the result of that election.After two decades, the Burmese general election, 2010 will be held on the 7 November and once again the spot light is brought back to the political stage of Myanmar ever since 1990. A question that has always revolved around Aung San Suu Kyi is – can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? From my point of view, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not really be able change Myanmar. She can change the current situation of Myanmar however not completely; especially in a country that has gone throug h six different political transformations in the last half-century. Firstly, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi is inexperienced and â€Å"new† to Myanmar.Although she was born in Myanmar and had received education there, during the years when Myanmar fell into military dictatorship, 1962, she was studying in a high school in Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi, 1960 – 1964 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). She had spent most of her adulthood and received education aboard. Even though she visited her mother annually and had been in Mynmar since 1988, most of the time she is kept under house arrest. One of her quote was â€Å"I saw many aspects of the country which I needed to see in order that I might know what we need to do† (Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes, 1997).Despite so, much of her time is spent serving her house arrest terms. Although she had spent much of her time reading about philosphy, politics and many more books but what she had is mere knowledge she had gained from reading in order to lead a country, experience would be a vital contribution to the people. Miss Aung San Suu Kyi had received most of her education in the western and had worked for the United Nation (UN) for two years. She wrote and did researches for biography of her father (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). In one of her speech she mentioned that â€Å"People have been saying I know nothing of Burmese politics.The trouble is, I know too much. †(Wallechinsky, 1997). It could be true that Aung San Suu Kyi know a lot about Myanmar however some of the decisions she made had shown her inexperience as a leader. An example that show that her inexperienced would be the issue on Myanmar tourisim. There was a report in an August 2008 in which the World Travel and Tourism Council estimated that tourism provides about 5. 8% of Myanmar’s job. All these could had been more if not of Aung San Suu Kyi who asked the travellers to â€Å"visit us later, in 1995 and in 2002 she told the BBC that the NLD stand on tourism â€Å"has not changed† (Myanmar, Should you go, 2009).A report in 2007 from Tourism Concern stated that, many Aung San Suu Kyi supports the boycott â€Å"unless we hear otherwise† from her. It is noted that, one of the British former ambassador to Myanmar, Derek Tonkin calls Aung San Suu Kyi ‘an idealist unable to compromise with the rough reality of Southeast Asian politcs’ (Myanmar, Should you go, 2009). By boycotting the tourisim, it is not the Myanmar government that suffer but the civilains that suffer. The government are not affected since they gets their income from trade of gems, timber, textiles and oil and gas.The tourism sector employs 300,000, not including grassroots business. Creating jobs and incomes for the Burmese, is the way that can really benefit the population. Secondly, despite the overwhelming supports from the citizens in Myanmar, she does not have any supporters from the military. Mya nmar has been under the military rule for 48 years. Even though the people would like to abolish the current military junta, they still need the power of the military and the police to control the stability of the country.When the country starts to reform, it may result in some instability, if Miss Aung Sun Suu Kyi does not have the support and the power to control the military, the country would be in chaos which may lead to undesirable consequences. Most of Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s influential supporters are from the western countries but the local military junta are not in good terms with the westerners. Without the support of local power, many political goals cannot be achieved. Thirdly, most of her speeches revolve around social reform and few talks about what are their plans for the future.Right now what the people in Myanmar really need is social reforms however; soon other problems would start to surface such as economic factors, the need of jobs will eventually increa se and more. A type of publication that Miss Suu Kyi uses was whenever she is interacting with the media, she would never forget to ask other countries for support – â€Å"please use your liberty to promote ours† (Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010). Currently, she has supporters from all over the world. It is to be believed that if she were to gain presidency of the country, aids will be provided to help her built Myanmar.Yet the sanction that has been in placed on Myanmar has contributed to the sufferings of the citizens. Therefore I strongly feel that it is not way to gain attention that can help Myanmar gain democracy, if it is, it would had worked. The situation in Myanmar is not as simple as what the westerns think to why the military junta had rejected the aids for the May 2008 cyclone. One way to interpret why the military government rejected the aids would be â€Å"The Myanmar’s government †¦ fear of American invasion and the fragile pride of its top official s† (Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010).The western countries often regarded as superior, had sometimes unintentional showed disrespect to the third world countries by not understanding enough of a country’s culture. Hence disregarded the feeling of the citizen of the country they provide help with. Therefore, it is no wonder sometimes the Military junta unwelcome the aids from the westerns. For the upcoming election on the 7 November 2010, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi has decided to boycott the election. Some senior members from the NLD have formed the National Democratic Force (NDF) to contest the election† (Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010) as they claimed that a boycott would play into the hands of the government. The phenomenal of this is that, the members of the NLD has starts to showdoubts in the decision Miss Aung San Suu Kyi made and therfore they left the NLD to form a new party the NDF. This may indicate that her popularity is decreasing, though in a slow rate, as she passes her years under the house arrest. In conclusion, I really admire Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s courage and what she had been trying to do.Despite being kept under house arrest for two decades, she is still determined to change Myanmar in a way she believes in. Also if it had not been her, the citizens of Myanmar would not have tried to fight for their freedoms and rights. However no matter how determined she is, the military junta will, by all means try to get her out of their way. An example would be her endless loop of house arrest which will cause her to miss the election that is coming up on the 7 November. Moreover the non-violence demonstration had been going on for decades and nothing had really changes ever since they started.If her focus is just on social reform, it can work on a short term basis but not in the long run. Moreover, she is losing support from her own party as she is being too idealistic. She has ideas in mind but has not done anything to realise them . Therefore, I think that, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not be able to really change Myanmar.Reference Aung San Suu Kyi. (2010, August 15). Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikiquote. org/wiki/Aung_San_Suu_Kyi Burmese General Election, 1990. (2010, August 28). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Burmese_general_election,_1990 Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes. (1997, January 19). Retrieved August 2010, 31, from Brainy Quote: http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/d/daw_aung_san_suu_kyi. html The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991. (2010, August 30). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Nobel Prize: http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1991/kyi-bio. html# Wallechinsky, D. (1997, January 19). The Voice of Her People: Aung San Suu Kyi. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Parade: http://www. parade. com/articles/editions/1997/edition_01-19-1997/aung-san-suu-kyi. html? index=2

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene in the Philippines Essay

Living in the Philippines where the religion of majority is Catholic, I am used to seeing people participate in almost every occasion relating to religion. Though I am not a Catholic, I admire them when it comes to their dedication and willingness to sacrifice. Among all their religious practices, the Celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene puzzled me most. Millions of barefoot men try to make their way as near to the Black Nazarene as possible in order to glance, touch, and wipe towels on it. These people push, fight, squeeze, and do almost anything just to fulfill their panata. As a result, a number of devotees are injured and killed, but they do not really care much because the devotees believe that the more sacrifice one performs, the higher the reward. This can be attributed to the Filipinos’ inclination to self-punishment and devotion to the images of Suffering Christ. According to the article written by Dr. Chua, the procession should actually inform and attract public to become converts of the faith. But based on what is commonly seen in news during the feast, I don’t think that the said procession is an effective way of encouraging new believers. Actually, there is a better and more peaceful way of celebrating the feast such as by praying the rosary or making a personal prayer. Joining the procession seems to be absurd for some people, even for the Catholics, but we must never judge or despise them. Instead, let us try to understand their motives by â€Å"putting ourselves in their shoes†. In my opinion, this is indeed a very helpful tool in comprehending the actions of other people in any given circumstance, not only in understanding the devotees of Nazarene. I have realized that in any ritual or vow performed, what is important is the heart. Without the right one, all sacrifices and effort will just be put to waste. Showing devotion and love for the Divine being should be manifested not only during the Lenten season or Feast of Nazarene; rather, it must be within oneself daily and naturally.

Wizard of Oz

Wizard of Oz Interpretation The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a story about a girl named Dorothy who experiences a cyclone that takes her to a magical land of good and bad. When she is in this land she encounters a Scarecrow, Tin Man, and a Lion. These 3 characters are with her throughout the story and they go through different tough situations together. In the end they make their way to the Oz who grants their wishes and Dorothy goes back home. People say that this story is based off of populism, money reforms, and a political movement led by William Jennings Bryan.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is not intentionally written to be linked to the way the economy was because it is a children’s book, it is a made up story, and Baum, the author of the book, never stated that it was. In the article â€Å"The Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz† it explains how L. Frank Baum and William Jennings Bryan’s concern was the nature of the money supply then prevalent in the United States, and in the Mid-Western States in particular. Baum was featured in a movie called The Dreamer of Oz that showed how each character was thought of and how he had put the story together.For example, Dorothy was the name of a sweet little niece that he had which is how Dorothy from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz came about. Each character from the book was represented as someone that he had come across in his life at some point in time. In The Dreamer of Oz it shows how Baum enjoyed telling stories to his children and to the other kids that could come along. His wife would always bring it up to him that he needs to put it into the form of a book. Baum being the stubborn guy he was never really considered it.Sooner or later he finally realized that it all made sense and it all pieced together to become a story with no title. Baum sat down with his wife and mother in law and asked them for their opinion on what he should name the story. This is how the title of The Wonderful Wizard o f Oz came about. Therefore Baum had written the book from experiences and people from his past not because of the way the economy was ran in the 1900s. Last but not least Baum never stated that his story was written to represent populism.In the article â€Å"The Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz† it explains how each character in the children’s book is represented by a problem that was occurring. For example, the Scarecrow is represented as the farmers and the Tin Man is represented as industrial workers. In the article it states that â€Å"Baum and Bryan wanted money to be based on silver, not gold, as silver was readily available in the Mid-West, where it was mined. Such a money supply could not be manipulated by the banks. Then from there it goes into explaining each part of the story and they link together. Just because Baum and Bryan had these views on the economy does not necessarily mean that he wrote this story secretly about it. In conclusion, The Wonde rful Wizard of Oz is not intentionally written to be linked to the way the economy was because it was written as a children’s book, it is a generally made up story that Baum had based off of his lifestyle, and he never stated that it was intentionally written about the ways of being in the 1900s.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The theme of hope in the writings of Hemingway, Conrad

This essay will compare the theme of hope in the writings of Hemingway, Conrad, and Kafka in the novels, The Sun Also Rises, Heart of Darkness and The Trial.   The characters in the novels will be presented as hoping against the odds of love and either fulfilling their desire or running away from them, thus either gaining hope or the lack of hope.   The different avenues of hope will also be examined in that hope may turn into acts of desperation from a different point of view, and the narrator of some of the novels will be given consideration in presenting facts to the reader in their own point of view.Finally, this essay will discuss the nature of hope, and how the characters throughout the novels may either accept a hopeless state and be transformed from it, or accept hope as a gift despite the fact that reality and circumstances may deny them their desires.   The theme of each novel will ultimately coincide with transformations or realizations through hope.In Hemingway†™s The Sun Also Rises the narrator Jake travels through a myriad of landscapes from Paris, to Madrid and even San Sebastian.   It is through these landscapes that the reader may witness the rising hope that Jake has, or the desperation, and even at times, of the peace he has or longs for in such scenery.   The cast of characters suggests a spectrum of different avenues of hope: with Jake, his hope is to be with Brett, despite the consequences and the treatment he receives from her, uttering in the novel’s last line, â€Å"Yes, isn’t it pretty to think so† after Brett states that she and Jake would have had a wonderful time together.In this statement Jake reveals to Brett, and to the audience that although he and Brett do not manage to come together as a couple, that in Jake’s view of events they are joined together through consequences and circumstances.   This is not a fulfillment by the measure of typical novels involving relationships but for H emingway, the stunted acceptance of fate in the character Jake allows for imagination and realism to coexist.   This means that hope cannot come to fruition but that to still think, and in Jake’s mind to know, that to have been with Brett would have been his greatest adventure expresses not his lament that it never happened but that it could have happened and it would have been wonderful.   This un-fulfillment is Jake’s hope realized.With the character Cohn however, hope is a desperate emotion.   His hope is overpowering; it lies with being madly in love, or infatuation with Brett and the unrequited love of Brett drives Cohn into a furious temper for any man who is with her, or desires her.   Cohn repeated follows Brett around, which conjures up images of puppy love, and blind obedience, and when Brett’s fiancà © Mike tells Cohn again and again to lay off, Cohn refuses and tensions rise during the fiesta in Madrid.Cohn ignores rationality and knocks out Jake, Mike, and Brett’s new lover, the bullfighter Romero.   Recognizing his actions, Cohn insists on having Jake forgive him, which Jake does with reluctance and even wants Romero to shake his hand, which Romero refuses.   Here, then is Cohn’s ultimate slight; that hope, at least the kind that is desperate is unforgiving.Brett rebukes her fiancà © Mike for her new lover Romero.   An interesting scene in the book is when Brett receives Romero’s gift of a bull’s ear he had slain, a bull which had earlier slaughtered another man.   This ear signifies that Brett had to cut off a piece of herself in order to live the life she does, traveling and falling in love over and over and changing her mind and following a different lover around until regret or a new love shows up.   This ear resembles Brett’s hope – her hope of love in constant fury.She must not leave too much of herself with one man leastwise she become completely attached an d dependent, thus, the vivisected ear is Brett’s heart, torn off from its owner, and kept in a distant spot.   Brett does not hope with commitment, but with transitory lust for new things, places, and men.   Although Jake tells these words to Cohn about traveling to South America this following quote may be applicable to each character in the novel and the theme of hope, â€Å"You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.† (Hemingway 11).Hemingway’s characters in the novel suggest constant movement in order to escape something; to escape constancy in setting and environment, it is as though the characters feel that if they move enough their desires and regrets won’t be able to catch up. This is true especially for Brett and is true for Jake as well.   For Cohn, it is his outdated lifestyle which is anachronistic in the lifestyle of the age in which he is living that he is trying to escape but for Brett and perhaps Jake as well, it is regret that they do want to overcome them, â€Å"I thought I had paid for everything. Not like the woman pays and pays and pays.No idea of retribution or punishment. Just exchange of values. You gave something up and got something else. Or you worked for something. You paid some way for everything that was any good.† (Hemingway 148).   In final scene in the car when the two are alone together and Jake says it’s pretty to think so, this is the only acknowledgement of truth the reader receives from Jake concerning his desire for Brett.   Beyond the tomfoolery, bullfighting and fishing, when he is quite within himself, the mantra which pulses through him is regret.   He may hope beyond it, but it is all-consuming as it would have been for Brett if she had not hidden her heart away from such devices as feeling too much as Jake does, as it best exemplified with Jake stating, â€Å"Couldn’t we live together, Brett? Couldn’t we just live t ogether?† [Brett:] â€Å"I don’t think so. I’d just tromper you with everybody.†In Jake’s final line to Brett, hope is dashed and cynicism is revealed.   Jake has no illusions as to how his and Brett’s relationship would have been since Brett has no heart to give, or it is kept at such a distance, even Jake’s love could not call it into being.   This is the lack of hope of them, realism, cynicism, and love dashed.In Kafka’s novel The Trial, the main character Joseph K, or simply K lives through a series of unfortunate events of which the first he is accused of some ambiguous crime on his 30th birthday.   One year later he is killed in the name of the law and K, for his part does not object to the killing.   The absurd as a theme in this event is very overtly portrayed.   The ambiguous nature of the actions of the other characters in the novel prove to be ridiculous and a definite parody of real life trial situations.Th e trial itself is a charade because everyone in the courtroom including K already know the outcome; they are merely going through the actions because it is something of a tradition to do so.   Thus, the characters are focused, not on the truth of the matter, did K commit a crime, but merely on the trial itself and their part in the faà §ade.K’s looming fate is indistinguishable during the trial but when he is killed in the name of the law at the end of the novel he gives no protest.   The absurd as a theme is best translated in this action by Kafka’s character K.   K does not protect his own interest but does blindly what he is told to do because it is the law.   K does not question the intent of the actions, him being killed or at times even during the trial.   During the novel, K is increasingly not in control of his own fate.   This is shown when he kisses his neighbor after his landlady told him indirectly that he was perhaps having an affair with her.    It seems that the absurd grows into its own identity in Kafka’s The Trial through the way in which K is a definite pawn, adhering to other people’s wishes instead of examining his own wants.The absurd takes further shape in Kafka’s novel through the inability of the other defendant’s awaiting news of their fate when K is given a tour of the offices by Law-Court Attendant.   Almost everyone in the book is ignorant about their surroundings, their own actions, their fate.   Kafka deals well with disguising characters or scenes (when K goes into the Law-Court Attendant’s office he glances at law books that are in fact pornography) and leading the reader to believe one thing before he switches and tells the reader the truth behind the scene.Kafka was a master at leading the audience down one path only to change course right when the reader has a glimmer of understanding about the plot or the character’s intentions.   To emphasize this point K’s last words before he dies are â€Å"Like a dog† which describe how he dies.   In essence these words state that K was expecting to die, perhaps wanted it after the previous misleading year of his life during the trial and the ridiculous events in his life while the trial was persisting.   His words describe his death, but also his life.   He lived obediently, and as the clichà © goes, he licked the master’s hand that beat him.In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the audience is presented with the character Marlow whose hope overwhelms his morality in the search for Mr. Kurtz.   Marlow appears to be a Buddha type image (at least the early Buddha, Siddhartha) in that he is searching for hope through Mr. Kurtz.   Thus, Marlow is a character whose hope is tied up with a sense of adventure and courage mixed with either ignorance or just unawareness.   Marlow seems to have created an acceptance of people and in return expects them to sho w the same regard of acceptance in silence.The company seems to think Marlow’s stories are elusive to a point because, â€Å"†¦to hear about one of Marlow’s inconclusive experiences.†Ã‚   (pg 10).   The company appears to discourage his story telling because of his disregard to the audiences wants.   At the beginning of his journey into Africa, Marlow appears to be the whimsical sailor.   An insightful sailor with thought patterns which reveal his character, â€Å"Watching a coast as it slips by the ship is like thinking about an enigma† (pg 19).   Marlow presents himself to be a truth teller.   Being always ‘appalled’ by a lie.   Marlow becomes obsessed with the idea of Mr. Kurtz.   Only the want of a conversation with him led Marlow on hi journey.Marlow associated himself with Kurtz by becoming an outcaste in the eyes of the managers and the dark of his mindset comes out, â€Å"†¦but it was something to have at leas t a choice of nightmares.† (pg 105).   Then coming to base with reality when   meeting Kurtz’s Intended, Marlow says that, â€Å"His end †¦ was in every way worthy of his life† (pg 130).Following into Mr. Kurtz’s character, it is discovered that he is not fully developed, especially in regards to hope.   He is described as a misfit showing everybody up.   The ivory king so to speak.   An elusive devil with a charmed life.   Referred to as ‘that man’.   A genius of a man not forgotten only because of outrageous speeches and stunts, not for any significant contribution to humanity, nor for his character development or change towards hope.   Kurtz is a hard man to please and only a friend when he was in the whim of being a friends.Perhaps the darkness drove Kurtz crazy and thus the audience is forces to recognize how his lack of hope twisted his character development, â€Å"†¦it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took counsel with his great solitude-†¦(whisper) echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core†Ã‚   (pg 98).   Kurtz then was the abyss through which hope was lost.   He sucked away ideas, morality, self-preservation of an idea and the act of being a taking of hope filled Kurtz because he had no other thoughts of his own.   Solitude does strange things to a man as is witnessed by Kurtz’s character.Kurtz left behind him a ‘last disciple.’   A short but well formed character in the way of his obsession with Mr. Kurtz.   In the concept of hope, and the loss or lack of hope, Kurtz epitomizes this concept through is treatment of his lady.   She was in constant mourning and tears.   However, despite his treatment of her, she adored him.   Her life was with him.Conrad’s treatment of the novel, in his setting of the scene also suggests the lack of hope whic h prevails as a theme in Heart of Darkness.   Conrad creates the setting of the sea in the beginning of the book as a painting with souls included; lost souls.   He sets the mood by the setting by calming words and eloquent simplicity.   After this imagery the reader is taken into the journey of Marlow.The city is the first step in the path of discovering lack of hope in Conrad’s work.   The city is the first step in this and right away the reader is filled with the complexity and confusion of Marlow’s story as the setting of the company’s offices harbors a feeling of conspiracy.   A setting of foreboding, or darkness with two black barbed guardians is presented in the text, which further allude to the lack of hope in the novel.In the first introduction of the idea of Mr. Kurtz, the person taking praises him but eh scene leads the reader to conclude that the man brings a feeling of wickedness, and a lack of morality.   Perhaps Mr. Kurtz is the sea pe rsonified.   In fact the feeling of hope, or lack of hope can very simply be seen in the treatment of the females in the novel.   Just as in the character of Jake in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises Mr. Kurtz’s character finds a reflection of himself in his female counterpart and how he treats that counterpart.There are only three somewhat minor female characters in Heart of Darkness: Marlow’s aunt, Kurtz’s mistress, and Kurtz’s â€Å"Intended.† Marlow mentions these female characters in order to give the literal aspect of his  tale more substance.  Towards the beginning of Marlow’s story he tells how he, â€Å"Charlie Marlow, set the women to work–to get a job.†He tells this in the context that he desperately wanted to travel in  the trade industry that he did what the unthinkable (in those times).   He asked a woman for financial assistance! The woman, his aunt, also surpassed the traditional role of women in those times by telling Marlow that she would be delighted to help him and to ask her for help whenever he needed it. This incident did not have much to do with the symbolic theme of the story; it simply served to tell the reader how Marlow managed to be able to travel to the Congo (with a little help). On another note, Conrad intended to illustrate Marlow’s opinion of women’s inferior role in society, which embodied traditional 19th century society.The two remaining female characters were acknowledged later in the story.   When Marlow reaches the Inner Station, he jumps ahead and tells a little about The Intended, Kurtz’s fiancà ©e (to say â€Å"I do† when he returned). The Intended woman does not appear until the very end of the story, in which Marlow visits her and lies to her about Kurtz’s dying words.   The last female character, Kurtz’s African mistress, was presented near the end of the novel. Her first appearance took place in t he scene with Marlow talking to the Russian.She appears later when Marlow and Kurtz depart on the steamboat.   After Marlow blows the whistle, she stretches her arms out towards the steamer, and that was the last time she appears. The limited depiction of female characters in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and the way in which the three female characters are referred to by Marlow reflect Marlow’s view of women as inferior. Marlow’s opinion of women manifests the typical 19th century views of women.Perhaps his choice to lie to the Intended was because of a similar female  influence on his life†¦his Aunt.   In a way Marlow compares the Intended to his Aunt in  which both women are weaker than him.   For a man in the early 19th century, he believes  that they are delicate  and â€Å"something† that needs to be tenderly cared for.   He says, â€Å"It is  queer how out of touch with the truth women are.They live in a world of their o wn, and  there had never been anything like it, and can never be.   It is too beautiful altogether, and  if they were to set it up it would go to pieces before the first sunset.†Ã‚   This he says before  ever meeting Kurtz or hearing of the Intended.   Upon lying to her (the Intended) he says,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"But I couldn't.   I could not tell her.   It would have been too dark  too dark altogether†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  Marlow protected her,  he allowed her to remain innocent of Kurtz and his actions and in  so doing enabled her sun to remain high rather than setting and forever engulfing her in  darkness.Through the characters of each of these three novels different aspects of hope and different ways in which hope is revealed, lost, gained, or ignored the truth is that each character in one way had the chance to hope.   Marlow’s hope and Kurtz’s hope was desperation out of the thing they could not own, a woman’s love.   K’s hope and Jake’s hope both began with cynicism, and K’s hope does not change at the end of Kafka’s novel, with the phrase pertaining to ‘like a dog’ while Jake also remains in the state of cynicism knowing that Brett could never love anyone because she was prepared to hope so high.Each novel had a point of revelation for the characters in which they must make a choice to continue to hope, to change, or to ignore hope and falter in the evolution of their own character.   Thus, when a character lost hope, they were doomed just as Marlow and Kurtz lost hope, or lost the illusion of their life and realized they never had hope for themselves, and just as Jake realizes that perhaps he never had hope for himself and Brett after all.WORK CITEDConrad, J.   Heart of Darkness.   Bentley Pub, New York.   2002.Hemingway, E.   The Sun Also Rises.   Scribner, New York, 1996.Kafka, Franz.   The Trial.   Trans.   Willa & Edwin Muir.   Shocken.   New York .   1995.